If you are here, that means you have started your blogging journey, but you’re currently having a bit of trouble when it comes to ranking your articles. 

I’m sure by now you have already understood the importance of ranking a Blogspot on Google. However, there may be people who might have started with the wrong thought “How to rank blog posts on Google? I can simply write and it’ll eventually rank.”

Well, I’m here to tell you that, sadly, is NOT how this works.

The number of bloggers is steadily but surely growing. There are more than 500 million blogs that exist in 2021. I’m sure you can clearly understand the competition you are up against and why ranking Blogspot (or other blogging platforms) is NOT an easy task anymore. 

Even though it’s difficult, if you are serious about ranking your blog on Google SERPs, SEO is the best practice that can help you with ranking.

For the past years I’ve been managing 3 blogs which have bought me a great amount of traffic only through SEO, so naturally, if you would ask me now I wouldn’t consider SEO such a tough process.

However, that comes after years of experience and a great number of failures as well.

Through the years I’ve managed to gather a few tips and tricks (?) if you will, which I’ve decided to share with you guys. They’re tested, verified, and work on all types of blogs. Consider it as one of the best investments for your blog.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This plays a vital role in ranking a blog on Google. 

SEO can be categorized into two parts, one is on-page SEO and the other is off-page SEO. Firstly, we will discuss on-page SEO and focus on general tricks about how to rank your Blogspot on Google.


Blogspot is a free platform for blogging by Google and it is mostly recommended for those who are new to blogging and are at the basic phase of learning tactics about blogging. Though you don’t get premium options like in WordPress, there are some terrific ways and by applying these tricks you can still rank your blog on Google. 

Many people have the misconception that since Blogspot is owned by Google, blogs made with it are easy to rank in SERPs. However, that is NOT the case. In all truths, Google doesn’t actually care what platform you use and weighs them equally.

With these beings said, let’s dive in and see those tricks that are gonna make your blogging journey so much easier.

7 Game-Changing Ways to Rank Your Blog on Google

Keyword Optimization

The first step you have to take a serious look at is your keyword research. 

Most people just ignore this part which could possibly be a fatal move. Why is that? The use of relevant keywords helps the possibility of ranking better in Google Search. 

Consider them the key element which helps Google understand what your blog is all about.

The next thing you have to do is to find the keyword. Free tools like Ubersuggest can be used apart from paid ones. Not only does this show you related keyword ideas but also shows the search volume of the individual keyword. 

Using the Keyword in the Content

Say you've found the perfect keyword for your article, now the first thing you should do with it is to use the focus keyword in your title, in the first two headings, and in the first paragraph. 

This is going to work as fuel to your post.

Use keywords at least a few more times also apart from what I have told. There are some supporting keywords (LSI keywords) that have to be used in content at least one time each. Google will automatically detect it and the chances of ranking your article in Google search will be improved. 

The best way to get this right is to make a checklist of all these tips and tricks and check them off every time you write an article on Blogspot.

Publish Thorough Content

It is no doubt that people love to read through your content either looking for a solution to their problem or wanting to learn something from the content you put out there. 

For SEO purposes, it is recommended to publish content that has a word count of more than 1200. In terms of shareability, long contents perform better and one more benefit of it is to collect more backlinks.

One important thing to keep in mind while writing is readability. People usually don’t love to read long paragraphs in the blog. So, it is recommended to write small paragraphs, so that it provides a better look and readability to users. 

Try to update your content on a regular basis. Google detects it as newly published content and chances of ranking will be better.

Optimize the URL and Meta Description

Now here comes some technical aspects where you have to focus a little bit more. URL also has its own benefit. 

As you can easily edit URLs on Blogspot, try to put your niche keyword in the URL so that Google detects it and your blog gets an advantage over other blogs. 

It is also suggested to keep the URL short. URL puts trust in users and hence clicking chances increases.

Now, about your meta description… Let me just tell you the importance of meta description. 

When searching something on Google, you find a description just below the URL. That’s what meta description is. If you don’t provide a meta description, Google will randomly pick lines from your content as meta description. 

So, it’s better to provide a meta description of your blog (personalized and with focus keyword) on one or two lines so that readers get to know what this article is all about. Roughly around 160 characters.

Optimize Title and Images for SEO

How would you react if I tell you that 80% of people decide whether to read a blog or not just by reading the title of the blog? That’s a fact. This means your titles could either help you or completely sabotage you.

On average, you have about 2-3 seconds to capture users on the blog. So, choosing an eye-catching and attractive title or headline is more important than you could ever imagine. 

If you implement a focus keyword in the title then it is like extra cheese on your pizza. There are many free title generator tools available on the internet.

The best blog includes text as well as relevant images. First of all, don’t add a lot of pictures, that will slow down the loading time of your blog which is hectic and irritating for the readers. 

Put some relevant images where it is required and try to make it SEO-friendly by writing alt texts, captions, and uploading compressed images.

Increase Your Page Loading Speed

If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, half of the readers will leave the page. And that’s where page loading time plays a vital role. 

Slow loading page can frustrate anyone and the reader will move to another blog leaving yours. 

For this, removing cache regularly with the help of some plugins like W3 total cache and WP rocket helps. In Blogspot, it can be done manually by editing a few codes.

How to Rank Your Blogspot Blog on Google

Off-Page SEO: How to Rank Your Blog on Google?

Now that we talked about on-page SEO, we have to talk about off-page SEO as well.

There are some off-page SEO tricks that can also be applied for better ranking. I’m going to share with you the two most powerful ways to implement.

Write Guest Posts to Build Backlinks

Guest post is a great way to increase your website rankings. You will get a backlink from the website you are writing for and Google will notice that your content is relevant. 

It is recommended to follow the websites whose domain authority is better than yours, which means their rankings are better than your website. 

Leverage Social Media

Why forget this tool when it is free of cost and remains one of the most powerful ways to promote your blog regularly? 

Make your presence on social media sites where your target audience hangs out and make yourself fully focused on at least on them. Post regular content, engage with the audience, throw them valuable information so that they can’t deny visiting your website. 

This creates a win-win for all parties involved.

To conclude this article, I’m going to be very honest and tell you that you are probably going to spend a lot of time and effort in creating a single blog post, so naturally, you are going to hope for more people to come and read it. 

But bringing traffic is yet another task you have to do by yourself in the initial days. So, by applying all the strategies mentioned above, you can improve your article as well as increase your chances of ranking better in Google.

There is no rocket science in this. You have to apply these tactics regularly and have to be patient. Test them, and increase the application which gives you the best results.

Slowly and steadily you will notice the magic of your efforts, so keep writing good quality content, decorate it with great SEO, and that’s it for ranking up in Google Search.